
 Webpage-LOGO-100x100 Access control takes many forms, but is defined essentially as an alternative to regular keying methods. This concept can take on any configuration – From a single door code entry system, to an array of hundreds of doors spread out within the infrastructure of  a national entity with dozens of locations.

Using electronic identification ‘credentials’, fob’s are provided to users in lieu of standard keys. These fob’s contain the necessary information to identify an authorized user, and unlock doors simply by swiping the fob over the reader. Only authorized individuals have access to the protected area.

If a security breach with a master key were to happen on a standard keyed system, all locks that used that key pattern would have to be re-keyed and new keys reissued to authorized clients. Instead of having to re-key lock sets, lost or stolen Fob’s can easily be written out of the system and even tracked for unauthorized use after deactivation.

We prevent unauthorized access to areas that need to be secured. These instances include the entry of an office building, apartment or condominium, parking garage or level(s), offices and equipment areas where only certain individuals or employees are allowed.

Our Access Control product line includes manufacturers from Kantech, CDVI and Paradox.

We are Kantech Corporate, CDVI (Centaur and Atrium) and Paradox Alarm and Access Control Certified.